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Add Prefix and Suffix for Text Lines

About The Tools

The Add Prefix/Suffix tool is a handy utility that allows users to add a prefix and suffix to lines of text. Simply input your text or lines, specify the desired prefix and suffix, and click the “Add Prefix/Suffix” button. It’s perfect for adding consistent formatting or labeling to multiple lines of content quickly and efficiently.

How to Use:

  1. Input your text or lines into the provided text area.
  2. Enter the desired prefix in the “Prefix” text field.
  3. Enter the desired suffix in the “Suffix” text field.
  4. Click the “Add Prefix/Suffix” button.
  5. The tool will add the specified prefix and suffix to each line of text.
  6. The modified result will appear in the output text area.
  7. You can copy the result to the clipboard using the “Copy Result to Clipboard” button.
  8. To download the result as a text file, click the “Download Result as Text File” button.
  9. Use the “Clear All” button to reset all fields and clear the output.


Q: What is the purpose of the Add Prefix/Suffix tool?
A: The Add Prefix/Suffix tool allows users to add a specified prefix and suffix to lines of text, making it convenient for adding consistent formatting or labeling to multiple lines of content.

Q: How do I use the Add Prefix/Suffix tool?
A: Follow these steps: 1) Input your text or lines into the provided text area. 2) Enter the desired prefix and suffix. 3) Click the “Add Prefix/Suffix” button. The modified result will be displayed, which you can copy to the clipboard or download as a text file.

Q: Can I add different prefixes and suffixes to different lines?
A: No, the tool adds the same prefix and suffix to each line of text. If you need different prefixes and suffixes, you may need to use separate tools or perform additional manual modifications.

Q: Is the tool case-sensitive?
A: Yes, the tool is case-sensitive. The prefix and suffix will be added exactly as entered, preserving the case of the input text.

Q: Can I use the tool to remove prefixes or suffixes from text?
A: No, the tool is designed to add prefixes and suffixes. To remove prefixes or suffixes, you may need to utilize other methods or tools.

Q: Is there a character limit for the input text?
A: The tool does not impose a specific character limit. However, very large inputs may affect performance or cause unexpected behavior. It is recommended to use the tool with reasonable-sized inputs.

Q: Can I customize or modify the functionality of the tool?
A: The tool’s functionality is fixed, but you can customize or modify the code to suit your specific requirements since it’s open for customization.

Q: Is the tool free to use?
A: Yes, the Add Prefix/Suffix tool is completely free to use without any restrictions.

Q: Are my input texts stored or sent to a server?
A: No, the tool works locally within your browser, and your input texts are not stored or sent to any server.